Startup KIT And Marketing Documents


  • Name
  • brand identity
  • UI platform
  • Company website 
  • Usecases
  • Company brochure – one pager


  • WordPress
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • InDesign


Sibyl is the spinoff of a structured ICT multinational. It was established last year to bring on the market an innovative automation product for offices, freelancers, and companies.


They needed a marketing analysis to position the company on the market and a following rebranding of their platform, so to make it more intuitive (UI side) and addictive (marketing side).



The very first effort we made was to think of a name which could convey the topics and the expertise both the platform and the company revolve around: technology, particularly the Internet of Things, data analysis and the prediction of future events. All of this with an Italianness that shines through the brand.  

We searched the following names within the classic greek and roman tradition, preferring proper nouns. However, finding no reference to technology in these, we continued our quest looking for names reminding us of the concept of prediction, instead.

The reference to the Cumaean Sibyl and her prediction was quickly and unanimously approved.


However, we implemented the necessary reference to technology in the logo, employing motifs and themes that reminded of electric circuits and the transfer and elaboration of complex data.

A little curiosity: for those who know the history of the company, the shape of the chin in the logo reminds of the logo of the company Sibyl started from.

Brand Identity

A completare la nuova brand image dell’azienda il team creativo ha pensato dei nuovi colori coerenti con il logo, il posizionamento e l’azienda, oltre a un font pensato per dare carattere e spessore al brand.


We revised the company’s website as well. We managed its contents – updated with more recent use cases – its layout – adding new elements for its new brand identity and structure – its UI – to communicate the new brand more efficiently and allow the access on the tech platform.


Furthermore, we provided the new company with a series of marketing materials: a complete brochure illustrating services and products, a succinct one pager for the company’s offering and its strong points.


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